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2021 End of Session Letter

Dear Neighbors and Friends -

On April 12, 2021, the 2021 legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly came to a close. There is no doubt that this past year has presented us with a fair share of challenges. I am incredibly proud to be representing a community that came together to lend each other a hand.

My office is committed to making sure that you all have the most up-to-date and relevant information regarding the Maryland General Assembly. Attached to this email you will find my official End of Session Letter. This letter contains updates on a wide range of topics, including the Blueprint for Maryland's Future, police reform and accountability, and so much more. I am proud of the legislation that my colleagues and I passed during this unique session, and I am excited to be sharing it with you.

Of course, please continue to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns you may have. I am always honored to be your voice in Annapolis.

- Nicole



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